
Sport- und Aktivfahrt der 6. Klassen nach Kempten im Allgäu

Gleich zum Schuljahresstart durften sich die Schüler der 6. Klassen auf drei erlebnisreiche Tage im Allgäu freuen. Und das hatten sich alle auch redlich verdient, da sie aufgrund der Pandemie sowohl auf das Schullandheim als auch auf die Exkursion ans Wattenmeer nach Tönning während der 5. Klasse verzichten mussten.

Auf dem Programm standen etliche Aktionen in der Natur und den Räumlichkeiten des exklusiven JUFA-Hotels zur Teambildung und Kommunikation. Bei der digitalen Stadtrallye lernten die Kinder die Stadt Kempten besser kennen und konnten auch etwas bummeln oder Eis essen. Das Highlight aber war sicherlich das Floßbauen am großen Alpsee. In Gruppen von circa 8 Personen bauten die Kinder selbstständig ihr eigenes Floß, mit dem sie dann anschließend eine lustige und oft feuchtfröhliche Runde auf dem See drehen durften. Natürlich wurden dabei auch Wasserschlachten bestritten und Wettfahrten ausgetragen.

Damit man sich den Verlauf der Fahrt noch etwas besser vorstellen kann, werden im Folgenden zwei kleine Berichte von Schülern der Klasse 6f vorgestellt, die im Englischunterricht bei Frau Steer-Möstl den Verlauf der Fahrt noch einmal aus ihrer Sicht zusammengefasst haben:

Our school trip to Kempten
Wednesday, 29th September

On Wednesday I got up at half past five. I felt happy, but I was a bit excited too. The journey was long and took about four and a half hours. The hotel was very nice and our room was great. It had two floors and a small stairway of course. There were four beds but we were just three boys. In the afternoon we played games outside. The weather was very sunny, so it was perfect. In the evening we didn’t want to go to bed yet because we wanted to play longer. At 10:30 I fell asleep.

Thursday, 30th September

The next day I woke up at 7 o’clock. The breakfast was at 7:45. There was a big buffet with lots of yummy food. In the morning we did the city rally. It took two hours and we ate the packed lunch that we had made after breakfast. When we arrived at the hotel again, we had to pack a rucksack for building rafts. We drove for 30 minutes to a beautiful lake between the mountains. To make the rafts we used ropes, planks of wood and plastic barrels. We built the rafts by ourselves. When we had finished, we changed into the wetsuits and started to paddle. It was very funny and a bit bumpy when too many people were on one side. Mr Bauer pushed everyone into the cold water! I liked the view of the lake best. At the end we dismantled our raft and drove back to the hotel. In the evening there was a disco, it was very funny and I had a lot of fun. I fell as sleep late, because it was loud in the hallway.

Friday, 1st October

On Friday we packed our things and tidied our room. Then we had breakfast, and after that, we had to do a corona test. At 11 o’clock the bus left the hotel. I felt a bit sick on the journey. At last we were back home again. I was happy to be home, but the school trip was great, with lots of funny and happy moments.

Johann Götz 6f


Our school trip to Kempten

Wednesday, 29th September

I got up at 5:50 o’clock and arrived at the bus at 6:10. I felt nervous, but it was fun. The journey was so good. My best friend and I played UNO and watched a film called Beauty and the Beast. The hotel was really big and our room was so so nice, I fell in love with it. Our room was a two storey room. We had lunch in the hotel and in the afternoon we did sports outside.

Thursday, 30th September

For breakfast on Thursday there was such great food: bacon, bread, cornflakes, eggs, nutella and much more. It was so good! In the morning we walked to the city rally. It was fun. Then, after the city rally, we didn’t have much time. I had to change my clothes and run to the bus, because we went to a lake where we made rafts. It was so much fun! In the evening we had a disco. I liked the disco best of all. We sang to all songs. But the next day I had a sore throat!

Friday, 1st October

In the morning we packed our bags and took them to the bus. After that we had breakfast and did a corona test. The journey back was quiet. In the bus we did our Hollywood show. It was an amazing trip. I wish we could have stayed there much longer!

Milena Fischer 6f


Die folgende Bildergalerie zeigt nochmal sämtliche Aktionen und unterstreicht die tolle Zeit, die wir gemeinsam in Kempten hatten. Vielen Dank für die schönen Tage und die tolle Unterstützung durch die beteiligten Lehrkräfte, die diese Fahrt überhaupt erst möglich gemacht hat!

Markus Bauer

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